Let’s go back to our childhood nursery rhymes. “Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses, A pocket full of posies; A-tishoo, A-tishoo, We all fall down”. And again, “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again”.

This second rhyme is commonly associated with the defeat in battle of English King Richard III. That was a long time ago. Are there lessons to be learnt from these falls? Can a shattered egg be restored to its pristine form? This is not possible in nature. What about different falls in history?

The most recent are the impeachment and fall from grace of South Korean President Yoon Suu Yeol, who, after his ill-conceived declaration of martial law in the country, was impeached on 14th December in the National Assembly by a vote of 204 to 85.

Just a week earlier, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria had to abandon his opulent palace in Damascus and flee to the protection of his godfather in Russia. The very next day, on 9th December, the long suppressed Syrians raided his palace taking whatever they could lay their hands on.

The scenes were reminiscent of what happened in Sri Lanka as a culmination of the 2022 Aragalaya revolt. In Sinhalese it means “The Struggle”. It was a struggle against the despotic and dictatorial rule of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa who then fled to Singapore on 14th July 2022. That’s when his palace too was raided. In due course he was replaced by left winger Anura Kumara Dissanayanke. Subsequently, on 14/11/2024 his National People’s Power party won the parliamentary elections with a 61% vote share.

Earlier, in what was described as the Arab Spring in 2010, a wave of pro-democracy protests swept across North Africa and the Middle East; toppling regimes in Tunisia and the 30-year reign of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt.

Closer to home Bangladeshi President Sheikh Hasina fled to New Delhi on this 5th August after a students’ revolt, with 5 million citizens marching towards Shahbag Square in Dhaka. Notably, in all these revolts, the military establishment chose to side with the people rather than with their leaders. 

In contrast, where the military supported the dictators, no movement to bring down the dictators succeeded; as in China, North Korea, Russia and Myanmar. The last has been under the rule of the Military Junta, headed by Gen Min Aung Hlaing, who had detained Aung Sau Su Kyi and usurped power in 2021.

To what extent these uprisings and resultant falls were supported or engineered by outside forces is also something that warrants attention. For example, Libyan dictator Muammar al Qaddafi was killed in October 2011 by NATO forces.

After chasing out Assad, Syria has been pounded on all sides. Perennial bad boy Israel moved swiftly to capture the Golan Heights and destroy the Syrian navy. U.S. and Turkish forces also joined the party! They probably believe in the dictum – kick a man when he is down, so that he may not rise again.

The ignominious fall of despotic dictators is always welcome; though there is also the danger of complete chaos if a viable alternative doesn’t emerge. In that sense Sri Lanka has had a smooth transition while Bangladesh is still in the throes of fundamentalist anarchy.

Going further back in time we come to the greatest “fall” of all, that of our first parents, Adam and Eve, as recounted in Genesis 3:1-7. Though an allegorical account, it is nevertheless rich in meaning. The incident ends with the words “their eyes were opened” (v 7). There is a Hindi saying “Thokar khane se aankhein khulti hai” (when we stumble and fall our eyes are opened).

So how far have these past and recent events opened our eyes to reality and human limitations? Scanning the New Testament I found that the word “fall” in different forms is used 88 times. Of these I found these two of greater significance. “Behold this child is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel” (Lk 2:34). And again, “Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (Jn 12:24).

So a fall is not an end in itself, provided that we learn the lessons from it and bear fruit many times over. For those who are humble and open (not a forte of dictators) a fall can actually be an occasion to rise again to newness of life. So let us take falls and failures as an opportunity for growth. Even the great fall of Adam and Eve is described in the Easter liturgy as Felix Culpa – Oh happy fault that wrought us such a saviour. 

One could end with the adage “Pride comes before a fall”. This saying has been inconclusively attributed to King Solomon the Wise, in the 9th century BC. This is debatable, because the “Wise” Solomon became two proud and had to bite the dust like King Richard III.

We may not be children playing in the market place (cf Mat 11:16) but we could learn the lessons from those nursery rhymes. They have great meaning for us. It reminds one of the lines from William Wordsworth’s 1802 poem – the child is father of the man. I end with a responsorial from the old Latin liturgy – Flectamus Genua – Levate (kneel or genuflect, and then arise”.

5 responses to “ALL FALL DOWN”

  1. Rover Avatar

    *FROM HILLEL FULD: How on earth is no one talking about this??*

    Just a few weeks ago, we had a strong enemy dedicated to our destruction with billions of dollars and an extensive military right on our border.

    That enemy is literally no more.


    Why is no one talking about what Israel has done since Assad’s evil regime fell just a few days ago?

    I don’t think you understand what Israel has done. It’s absolutely historic. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that what Israel has done in Syria this week alone is infinitely more impressive from a military perspective than what Israel did in Gaza and Lebanon, combined!

    The Syrian army, the Syrian navy, the Syrian Air Force, all gone. Totally and completely obliterated.

    Why Israel did this should be obvious but just in case, I’ll explain.

    The fact that Assad’s regime has fallen is fantastic news. The big question mark though, is what will the rebels do once they stabilize their leadership in Syria?

    I don’t think anyone has any illusions that they’ll reach out to Israel for peace. Israel has no illusions either and so the IDF has set out on an unprecedented operation to ensure that all of Assad’s military equipment, and I mean ALL OF IT, does not fall into the hands of the rebels.

    The IDF has struck 320 strategic targets across Syria since the fall of the Assad regime over the weekend, in an operation called “Bashan Arrow.”

    Targets included fighter jets, helicopter gunships, radars, air-surface missile batteries, ships, surface-to-surface missiles, rockets, weapon production sites, weapons warehouses, Scud missiles, cruise missiles, coastal missiles, and more.

    The strikes, which began Saturday night, aimed to prevent advanced weaponry from reaching hostile groups like Hezbollah.

    This is all being done with ZERO resistance and Israel has eliminated the entire Syrian army, the army that attacked us in 67 and 73, the army that sent weapons and money to Hezbollah, the army that had nuclear aspirations, the army that had biological weapons it wasn’t afraid to use, the entire thing is gone. GONE.

    350 Air Force fighter jets participated in the operation, which attacked 320 targets throughout Syria, from Damascus to Tartus.

    Also worth mentioning that Israel has boots on the ground and Israeli tanks can allegedly be seen all the way from Damascus.

    In other words, Israel has sent Syria back to the stone ages. It is now a small weak country. One week ago, I couldn’t even imagine this scenario.

    Syria is now literally Gaza, maybe even less.

    Also important to remember that what the IDF has done here, in addition to everything we just mentioned, is that it isolated Hezbollah even more. Hezbollah is now totally choked from all directions.

    Nasrallah, may he rest in pieces, famously said that if Syria falls, Hezbollah will fall. And he was right!

    Now, what’s interesting is that the only thing we are hearing from Iran is crickets. Where are they? They have a big mouth. Where are they? Why are they not speaking up? Because they know they have just experienced a complete defeat. They know how weak they are.

    They have no Syria left. They have no Hezbollah left. They have no Hamas left. They are on their knees and they know it.

    Yes, Biden has sent them billions, that’s true, but no amount of money can revive them. Their tentacles have been cut off.

    Iran built a terror infrastructure that surrounded Israel. They built it over decades. Their intentions were clear. That entire infrastructure is no more and they know it!

    They also have zero aerial defense systems left. Or in other words, Iran is weak, naked, and totally vulnerable to what Israel is about to do next.

    So what’s next?

    I think all of this has taught us a few things.

    Radical Islamic terrorism will always lose.

    It is possible to bring a strong evil regime down from within.

    When Israel knows what it needs to do, it does it better than ANY army in the world, with no exceptions.

    Israel will deal with Yemen soon and then, once all the tentacles are cut off, Israel will go after the head of the snake and it’ll do so not only militarily but also diplomatically, and perhaps most importantly, Israel will topple the Iranian regime and its nuclear ambitions from within, using the millions of Iranians who love Israel and want to live in peace free of the evil regime that has hijacked their country.

    Historic times, folks. Truly historic times.

    You couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried.

    Israel still has some work left to do, and the IDF knows what it needs to do, how to do it, when to do it, and how to achieve the impossible.

    Stay tuned, folks! Grab the popcorn.

    Books will be written about what Israel has accomplished this past year. Military strategists will analyze this war and teach it in their military academies.

    What Israel has done in Gaza, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, and other fronts that are coming soon, no army has ever accomplished. Period. Full stop!

  2. Roop Rekha Verma Avatar
    Roop Rekha Verma

    Excellent article. Gives much food for thought.

  3. Angana Sengupta Avatar
    Angana Sengupta

    What one needs to understand is who is orchestrating the fall? The opium called religion cannot be the sole motive I guess. There are bigger powers at play. Immediately after the fall of Assad, the Mossad quietly did a while lot of things, which found a place in one article in the IE, one fine day and eversince then, it is a silence. Toppling overs happen but then the hands behind the game remain unidentified and their ulterior motive not underlined. The Arakan army has taken over the St. Martin’s Island in Chittagong while the illiterate, ignorant are fighting over whether Calcutta belongs to them or us. The more you feed them religion the less literate junta will you get. Hence the devil can safely be at play. However, the article has been very well written and gives us a platform for this kind of discourse.

  4. Vijaya Avatar

    Clear and insightful articles.

  5. Verghese Avatar

    The rhymes are still relevant today!

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