When we say that something is non-negotiable we mean that it cannot be compromised or water down. Its message and mission must be forthright, sincere and enduring. Ecumenism, commonly understood as Christian Unity, comes from the Greek word oikoumene, meaning “the whole inhabited world”. This embraces not jusr Christians, or the human family, but all…


    Let’s go back to our childhood nursery rhymes. “Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses, A pocket full of posies; A-tishoo, A-tishoo, We all fall down”. And again, “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again”. This second rhyme is commonly associated…


    Have I spelt Jeremiah wrongly? No. This is not about an ancient prophet, but about a modern young social influencer – Jemimah Rodrigues, the 24 year old Indian women’s cricket sensation. Let me make a frank admission – I am an unabashed fan of our Indian women’s cricket team. My earlier favourite was Mithali Raj,…


    Where was the Holy Family when Herod ordered the killing of the children in Bethlehem? As we approach Christmas, this question began to haunt me. It forced me to look deeply into the infancy narratives in both Mathew’s and Luke’s gospels. As a layman without any scriptural studies, I also had to take recourse to…


    ( A sequel to “Playing on his Mind”) Please don’t make haste, or waste your breath on condemning me for even asking such an audacious question. It is not altogether irrelevant or irreverent. Some years ago there was a huge outcry in Kerala over the Malayalam drama “The Sixth Wound”; an adaptation from “The Last…

Latest Comments

  1. Trump often refers to Bible. One wonders how thorough he is in the contents though. However he seems to have…

  2. He was distributing them during his election campaign. He was also constantly appealing to conservative Catholic and Evangelical Christians. Ultimately…

  3. An insightful article. But there are no concrete examples / case studies on how Trump has been weaponizing the Bible.